Is the Universe curved?

In this post I’ll talk about curvature, what terms such as flat, positive and negative curvature mean and how this applies to the Universe. I won’t use complex mathematical definitions here, but intuitively curvature is a measure of how much a two-dimensional surface deviates from being flat. This concept can be extended to any number… Continue reading Is the Universe curved?

A Cyclical Universe

In my last post I remarked on the surprising similarity between conditions in the very early Universe, just after the Big Bang, and the far future of the Universe. In this post I’ll give an overview of Roger Penrose’s model of the Universe  in which it passes endlessly through a possibly infinite number of cycles… Continue reading A Cyclical Universe

The End of the Universe

In this post I’ll talk about the far future of the Universe and also how there is a certain similarity with the very early Universe - one of the reasons which led  Roger Penrose to propose his Cyclical model of the Universe. Before we do this, it is worth having a very brief summary about… Continue reading The End of the Universe

Cycles of Time

In a future post I'll talk in detail about conformal cyclical cosmology (CCC). This is a model of the Universe where it passes endlessly through a possibly infinite number of cycles (or aeons) each of which starts with a big bang and ends with a rapidly expanding empty universe.  This fascinating idea was proposed in… Continue reading Cycles of Time

Our finely-tuned Universe part II – Examples of fine tuning

In a previous post I talked about the four forces which govern the way the Universe works. I’m now going to give some examples of fine tuning. How different our Universe would be if these four forces had very different relative strengths. But before I do this, it is worth giving a quick summary from… Continue reading Our finely-tuned Universe part II – Examples of fine tuning