The Lyrids 2023

The night of  22/23 April 2023 will be the peak of the Lyrids, one of the most famous prolific meteor showers. Meteors (also known as shooting stars) are bright streaks of light caused by small lumps of rock or metal called meteoroids hitting the Earth’s atmosphere at very high speed. As they pass through the atmosphere they get… Continue reading The Lyrids 2023

Cycles of Time

In a future post I'll talk in detail about conformal cyclical cosmology (CCC). This is a model of the Universe where it passes endlessly through a possibly infinite number of cycles (or aeons) each of which starts with a big bang and ends with a rapidly expanding empty universe.  This fascinating idea was proposed in… Continue reading Cycles of Time

No more leap seconds

With all the events going on in the world it passed almost unnoticed that a decision was made recently to abolish the leap second. The resolution  was made on 18 November 2022 during a meeting held in Paris  held by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. What is a leap second? The length of… Continue reading No more leap seconds

Our Finely-tuned Universe Part I-Fundamental forces

This is first of a series of three posts in which I'll talk about the idea that the fundamental forces which govern our Universe and fundamental constants such as: the strength of gravity, the electric charge of the electron and the amounts of matter, dark matter and dark energy  in the Universe have been in… Continue reading Our Finely-tuned Universe Part I-Fundamental forces

The Lyrids 2022

The night of  22/23 April will be the peak of the Lyrids, one of the most famous prolific meteor showers. Meteors (also known as shooting stars) are bright streaks of light caused by small lumps of rock or metal called meteoroids hitting the Earth’s atmosphere at very high speed. As they pass through the atmosphere they get heated… Continue reading The Lyrids 2022