Welcome to Explaining Science


I am Steve Hurley and welcome to Explaining Science !!

I started this blog back in April 2014, and the it has steadily grown to have over 6 000 followers. It’s  considered by the aggregator site feedspot.com to be one of the top astronomy blogs on the interne and has  been mentioned on the BBC news website.

Explaining Science contains articles on astronomy, space and space travel – written at a level which is easily accessible to the non-scientist but without being dumbed down. This can be a difficult balance to achieve, but I hope I manage it most of the time!

There over 200 posts. To view the most recent click on the icon below

Videos, books and favourite posts

 The Explaining Science YouTube channel: YouTube.com/ExplainingScience has a number of  astronomy and general science videos and I’ll add more over the coming months. The channel is organised into playlists and the Popular Astronomy playlist may be of particular interest to those of you without a scientific background.

One of the videos from the Explaining Science YouTube channel

I have also written a number of popular astronomy books, which are available in the Amazon Kindle store. To view more details of a book click on its image.

Here’s a selection of my posts, which have attracted the greatest interest among my readers and I’ve enjoyed writing the most. To view any of these posts click on its link.

How does GPS work?

The anthropic principle – the idea  that the laws of physics, and the properties of the Universe as a whole, are somehow finely tuned to allow our existence.

Geocentric cosmology  – the obsolete model in which the Earth is the the centre of the Universe and all the planets and stars revolve around it.

October 4 1957 the start of the ‘space age’ with the launch of the first artificial satellite Sputnik 1.

Leap Seconds – the need to periodically add a second to keep accurate clocks in line with solar time.

The cosmic microwave background

The Perseids – the regular meteor shower which occurs around August 12 each year.

Why is the sky blue?

A brief history of the Universe – an outline history of the Universe from the Big Bang until the the present day. This, as I am sure you’ll agree, is a pretty big topic!

Enceladus- Could there be life?  Discusses the likelihood of life on Saturn’s moon Enceladus